Monday, October 07, 2019

Menu Plan Monday - October 7, 2019

Menu Plan Monday for Oct 7, 2019 // What I'm making this week #menuplanmonday #mealplan

The last few months, we went really carb heavy every single day, so I'm trying to rein that it in a little bit, but it looks like this week is kind of carb heavy. Whoops. I'm also working through my Pinterest boards and trying to make the oldest recipes I have saved. Monday's dinner is super old. I pinned it when I was first on Pinterest. I'm ready to try it out!

Monday - Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowls
Tuesday - Tacos
Wednesday - Mini Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Muffins // Copycat Olive Garden Chicken Gnocchi Soup
Thursday - Steak with Roasted Potato Salad
Friday - Cheesy Pizza Roll-up [Video with Sound]
Weekend - French Vanilla Chai Cinnamon Rolls // Soft Baked Reese's Pieces Butterscotch Cookies // Slow Cooker Creamy Beef Stroganoff

What are you having for dinner this week?
Feel free to leave a link to the recipe in the comments!


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