Monday, October 28, 2019

Menu Plan Monday - October 28, 2019

Menu Plan Monday for Oct 28, 2019 // What I'm making this week #menuplanmonday #mealplan

How is it already Halloween?! I've gotten a little bit of changes coming in November where I will be doing more turkey than beef in an attempt to eat slightly healthier without having to change the way I meal plan too too much.

Monday - Sausage & Pea Pasta
Tuesday - Slow Cooker Cheesy Enchilada Quinoa
Wednesday - Healthy Sticky Cinnamon Roll Batter Oatmeal // Hashbrown Potato Soup
Thursday - Tuna Melts
Friday - Copycat McDonald's Burgers
Weekend - French Vanilla Cinnamon Rolls // Cheesy Turkey Meatloaf // Chocolate Pecan Pie

What are you having for dinner this week?
Feel free to leave a link to the recipe in the comments!


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