Hello, everyone! I thought I would pop in since it's coming up on 6 months post-ablation and do a little "life update" - also summer is almost gone!
So we've been pretty busy this summer trying to keep the kids from getting too bored. We've visited the Farmer's Market, went to a go-kart park in Pigeon Forge, taken a million trips to the library, brought Saydee to the dog park, and had fun at the pool. The big kids even went on a nature hike with Nick this week with his Reserves unit. Matthew went to Washington DC early in June as a belated school field trip (I would share pics but there are other kids in it and school identifiers). He also has been down to the local quarry to kayak and went to Dollywood. Cami hasn't gotten to do as much as Matthew but has enjoyed having playdates with a few of her friends. They both just completed a second round of swim lessons and really enjoyed learning how to swim. Cami wants to go back because she has a goal of getting on the swim team in high school.

Nick broke his foot and sprained his ankle back in April and he goes for his final check up today with a hopeful clean bill of health. This is the fourth time he has sprained his ankle since he has been in the army. They have all occurred during army functions. It was a little bit of a rough go, but he's mostly been healed for the summer and able to do things with us.
I, like I said above, am nearly 6 months post-ablation. I need to do a good write up on
my personal blog because I never updated after my hematologist appointment or follow-up with my electrophysiologist. But basically, I should be cured of SVT and I'm cautiously optimistic this early on in my recovery. I've been doing yoga and feeling pretty good. Oh, and I had my hair dyed recently. My hairdresser, Camile, is amazing and I came in saying give me galaxy hair and oh my gosh, I LOVE IT. She's got some magic up her sleeves and always makes my hair look incredible.
Summer is definitely winding down. I'm hoping we can make the last few weeks memorable for the kids. We've already done our school shopping and I am also ready to start college back up on August 1st. Hope everyone else is enjoying their summer so far!