Monday, November 04, 2019

Menu Plan Monday - November 4, 2019

Menu Plan Monday for Nov 4, 2019 // What I'm making this week #menuplanmonday #mealplan

This week is exciting because I'm looking forward to making a little copycat that my husband had in the San Diego airport in October. He had a flatbread with beef and chimichurri but he sent me the menu with another flatbread that had goat cheese on it and I'm dying to try it!

Monday - Creamy Chicken Pasta
Tuesday - Turkey Taco Salad
Wednesday - PB&J Muffins // One Pot Cauliflower Chowder
Thursday - Asian Turkey Meatballs over Easy Thai Noodles
Friday - The Plato's Flatbread Copycats
Weekend - Blueberry Cornbread Muffins // Baked Chicken with Tomatoes, Basil, and Red Chillies // Caramel Drizzled Pumpkin Poke Cake

What are you having for dinner this week?
Feel free to leave a link to the recipe in the comments!


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