Monday, September 05, 2016

Menu Plan Monday - Sept 5, 2016

Menu Plan Monday for Sept 5, 2016 // What I'm making this week #menuplanmonday #mealplan

I missed last week's MPM mostly because I totally grabbed onto the seat of my pants and just winged it. It actually turned out pretty well, but I'd like to not do that again, so here I am for this week's menu plan. :)

Monday - Leftovers
Tuesday -  [b] Biscoff Muffins [d] Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas
Wednesday - Kale Soup
Thursday - [*] Cream Cheese Rippled Pumpkin Bread [d] Unstuffed Cabbage Roll Casserole
Friday - Kids' Menu Burgers
Saturday - [b] Cinnamon Roll Donuts
Sunday - Tatortot Hotdish


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