Monday, November 06, 2017

Menu Plan Monday - November 6, 2017

Menu Plan Monday for Nov 6, 2017 // What I'm making this week #menuplanmonday #mealplan

We decided to do a lot of oldies in November. I am really happy about it because I have been going through my old posts and making them SEO-friendly and taking out broken links to linky parties and updating pictures as I go. I really need to update a great deal of the ones from when I first started my blog in 2010. Also...SUNDAY BREAKFAST!!

Monday - Sausage Roasted Broccoli Lemon Penne Skillet [from Whole and Heavenly Oven]
Tuesday - Crockpot Chicken Tacos
Wednesday - Cincinnati Chili
Thursday - Pumpkin Oreo Donuts // Italian Pineapple Chicken
Friday - Kids' Menu Burgers
Saturday - Pumpkin Gingersnaps
Sunday - Harry Potter Butterbeer Pancakes // Crockpot Bacon Tatortot Hotdish

What are you having for dinner this week?
Feel free to leave a link to the recipe in the comments!


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